How do I make a Referral?

If the situation is an emergency or poses an imminent threat to you or others, call 911 immediately. Then, as soon as appropriate, submit a CCR report summarizing the situation.

There are a two ways to make a referral:

  1. Complete a CCR Sudent Care Report:  CCR_2c_horz150x73
  2. Email your campus/learning center contact:

Beatrice Campus/Falls City & Hebron Learning Centers:

      • Dean of Students: 402-228-8286 or Ext. 1286
      • Safety & Security Specialist: 402-228-8279 or Ext. 1279

Lincoln Campus (all locations)/Plattsmouth & Nebraska City Learning Centers:

      • Dean of Students: 402-437-2559
      • Safety & Security Specialist: 402-437-2408

Milford Campus/York & Wahoo Learning Centers:

      • Dean of Students: 402-761-8270
      • Safety & Security Specialist: 402-228-8279 or Ext. 1279

Information to provide in your report:

Providing the CARE Team with as much information as possible is essential!

  • Student, faculty or staff member’s name and ID number (if known) and a brief factual description of the incident or behavior.
  • Direct quotes whenever possible.
  • Where and when the incident or behavior occurred.
  • Names and contact information of witnesses.
  • Your name, position and complete contact information.
  • Include all emails or other information you have.
  • Always save voice recordings, text messages and emails on the device that received them.
A note about confidentiality: Recommendations: After submitting a report:
  • CARE will try to maintain privacy but cannot guarantee confidentiality
  • CARE recommends expressing your concern directly to the student if you feel safe doing so.
  • Offer to walk the student to the Campus Dean of Students for immediate assistance.
  • You may not receive a response from a CARE representative right away.
  • If you need additional information, contact your Campus contact for further assistance.
  • Report Online
Report Online

Report Online

If a person is an immediate threat themselves or someone else or is incapable of caring for themselves, CALL 911.

Report a Complaint or Concern