Superintendent Summit Held at SCC

Nearly 30 superintendents representing K-12 school districts in Southeast Community College's 15-county service area attended a Superintendent Summit Thursday, June 22, at SCC's Lincoln Campus.
Dr. Brian Stark, associate dean of dual credit, began the meeting with a welcome, followed by SCC President Dr. Paul Illich, who gave those in attendance an update on what's happening at the College.
Kat Kreikemeier, administrative director of admissions, briefed the superintendents on career assessment, upcoming events at SCC and on-site testing.
Tours of the Lincoln Campus were given by admissions representatives Kaye Bartels-Eiland and Bailey Michaels. Tours included the Health Sciences building and the newly renovated student affairs area. Attendees also got a glimpse at progress made on Woodhaven Hall, the first residence hall on the Lincoln Campus, and new construction projects. Woodhaven, a 250-bed residence hall, is scheduled to open in January.
Josh Jones, director of The Career Academy, a partnership between SCC and Lincoln Public Schools, facilitated a student success panel.
Following dual-credit updates and information relating to state legislation, an update on memorandum of understanding was presented.
Stu Osterthun
Administrative Director of Marketing & Communications